Engaging creativity is a radical act.
My creative practice drives me to better understand myself. By gaining a better understanding of who I am, I am able to connect authentically with others. Now more than ever connection, understanding, and self-reflection are crucial to the creation of a better world. Making art isn’t the only way I connect to myself and others.
I received my first tarot reading at 19, and it changed my life. Since then, I’ve continued to work with tarot and my psychic/intuitive abilities. I have several interests including yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and more. I’m a visual artist, musician, life long learner and nature lover. Interested in psychic tarot? Check out Blooming Wand.
I currently reside on Cowlitz lands in what is also known as Vancouver, Washington located in the Pacific Northwest. My people are colonizers from England and Northwestern Europe as well as Sweden and Denmark. Learn about LANDBACK.